Photography: Milica Perišić
Photography: Milica Perišić

Under the burden of war, every soul breaks, bends, deforms, rots, closes off, and becomes rigid, cold, and harsh. It is difficult for such a broken and cold soul to preserve tenderness, love, happiness, and everything that makes a family a community. With such souls, families become estranged, disintegrate, and irrevocably disappear. The play Do Not Go Far thus decisively seeks to tell the story of one family, which could be any family affected by war in some way, regardless of nationality, religion, race, or the country of residence. The fate of these somewhat real characters is told from the perspective of a boy who sees what others cannot see—their souls. How can these souls be reopened, loved, and understood? - writes the author Tamara Kučinović about the play.

Post-show discussion moderated by: Aleksandar Jovanović, theatre director