Photo: Tanja Drobnjak
Photo: Tanja Drobnjak

This year's edition of Bitef, with 1664 Blanc as the general sponsor, closed on 4 October with the award ceremony, after the decision by an international jury. Marine Mane, French director and author, presided over the jury consisting of actresses Jelena Stupljanin and Tihana Lazović, dramaturge and writer Dimitrije Kokanov, as well as journalist and critic Nataša Tripni.

They decided that the 58Bitef24 Mira Trailović Grand Prix be awarded to the Croatian author Jasna Žmak, for her performance this is my truth, tell me yours.

"This is an authentic, precisely articulated, multi-layered lecture performance in which the author discusses the traditional patriarchal and capitalist constraints in performing arts practices", the jury statement notes. "We were struck by this solo performance’s mix of tenderness, generosity and frankness and we especially wanted to highlight and support the fragility and unbreakable content of this performance."

this is my truth, tell me yours, Photo: Jelena Janković
this is my truth, tell me yours, Photo: Jelena Janković

As she was receiving the award, Žmak stated: "Thank you, jury and audience, I had a wonderful time at Bitef. I would like to dedicate this award to everyone at the independent scene of the region, as well as to all the women who are victims of sexual violence and discrimination, and especially to the ones that have spoken out about it."

The Jovan Ćirilov Special Award was shared by two pieces: Sex Education II: Fight and Cadela Força Trilogy - Chapter I: The Bride and the Goodnight Cinderella.

"Sex Education II: Fight, directed by Tjaša Črnigoj, draws on our shared past to explore the process by which abortion entered the constitution of Yugoslavia and to connect this with the times in which we live when women in many countries are seeing their rights rolled back. We need performances like this because sex education in our society is all but non-existent", the jury noted.

Cadela Força Trilogy - Chapter I: The Bride and the Goodnight Cinderella; Photo: Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Cadela Força Trilogy - Chapter I: The Bride and the Goodnight Cinderella; Photo: Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Carolina Bianchi and the Brazilian company Cara de Cavalo received the second Special Award, with the jury statement noting: "We were impressed with the compelling nature of Bianchi’s performance, the intricacy of the text and the way in which the piece rejects catharsis, which is why we have decided to present this performance with a Special Award as well."

Director Milo Rau, named the most influential, most controversial, most ambitious artist of our time was the recipient of the Politika's Award for Best Direction, for his piece Antigone in the Amazon.

Antigone in the Amazone; Photo: Nata Korenovskaia
Antigone in the Amazone; Photo: Nata Korenovskaia

"The performance unfolds in a complex and multifaceted manner, characterized by openness, multimedia, fragmentation, an unusual aspect, and analytical depth. It employs Brechtian alienation and critical reflection, intertwining narrative and dramatic threads that collectively explore the universal meanings of the ancient Antigone. Although the form and meanings are multifaceted, the performance is remarkably clear and precise, delivering a powerful impact that resonates deeply with the audience", Politika's jury stated, this year comprising of directors Andraš Urban and Nebojša Bradić, editor of the cultural section of Politika Gordana Popović, theatre critic Ana Tasić and journalist Borka Golubović Trebješanin.

The Audience Award, rated 4,80 by 179 votes, was presented to Sex Education II: Fight. Antigone in the Amazon was in the second place (4,76) and Hecuba, not Hecuba (4,74) in the third.

Sex Education II: Fight; Photo: Jelena Janković
Sex Education II: Fight; Photo: Jelena Janković

The main programme of the 58Bitef24, curated by Nikita Milivojević, Tijana Grumić and Ksenija Đurović, consisted of ten performances hailing from Germany, France, Switzerland, Bolivia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. The ending of the festival was marked by the performance by Carolina Bianchi and her troop Cara de Cavalo, saluted by minutes of ovations.

"This year - and this is not only my personal feeling, or ours, but an observation of others as well - we have moved the festival a step further, gathered numerous people from various branches, a new audience, we have talked, lived the festival life to the fullest", noted Nikita Milivojević, thus declaring this year's festival officially closed.

Patrons of the festival are the Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. The general sponsor of the 58Bitef24 is 1664 Blanc, which has recognised the significance of the festival as a cultural event and contributes to its success. Traditionally, the festival has received support from the Goethe Institut, the French Institute and the EU Delegation. Partner and friend of the Bitef festival is the New Moment New Ideas Company, the creative agency of the festival. Generali osiguranje Srbija, Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad and Coca-Cola HBC Serbia are once again partners of the festival.